Welcome to Hobbies and Experiments, we cover Colloidal silver generators, Silver Electrodes, Head tracking, Head trackers, IR head tracking, IR clip, IR head clip, and more…
Some Items and or Experiments are Unique to This website. Please use the contact form if you have any questions about any of our items including Head tracking, Head trackers, IR head tracking, IR clip, IR head clip, colloidal silver generator)…..

Enjoy your hobbies, we cover various experiments such as Colloidal Silver Generators for making your own Colloidal Silver solutions, Immune system support: Some proponents of colloidal silver claim that it can support the immune system and help the body fight off infections and illnesses and so much more… also how to make IR head clips for Head Tracking in games please look at our shop for some items we sell.
Thank you for visiting Hobbies and Experiments, we hope you enjoy your stay.